MALAWI—Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with an estimated 75 percent of the population living on less than $1 a day. IN 2012, NYC Medics partnered with Orant Charities, a Texas-based nonprofit whose mission is to help impoverished nations rebuild in the wake of natural disasters, including a series of severe storms that hit the region. NYC Medics traveled to Malawi to help Orent conduct a medical needs assessment in Bowe Hill, a region of the country where Orant, since 2007, has been working to repair and install clean water wells and provide sustainable health care programming.
NYC Medics sent an assessment team to Malawi to meet Ministry of Health, United Nations Development officials, and health care personnel from USAID and PEPFAR before heading on to Bowe Hill to meet with district health officials, community leaders/residents as well as run three days of medical clinics.
Collecting information from all levels of the health sector and key stakeholders in Malawi was critical to the team’s assessment. NYC Medics was identifying and vetting information and existing resources so as to be able to evaluate and develop recommendations on implementation strategies for Orant Charities.